Workshop Guidebook

You’ve successfully prepared 10lbs worth of REAL dog food. Here’s a recap of what we covered and some helpful resources as you continue on your real food journey.
Calculate what and how much to feed using our Feeding Calculator
Tools and equipment: Grabbing supplies for raw feeding , Transitioning your dog to raw
3 ways to transition: Grabbing supplies for raw feeding
Monitoring your dog’s poop: Become a poop inspector
Recipes: Ancestral, BARF, and PMR recipes and shopping guide
Sourcing in San Diego
- Creston Valley Meat (delivers Tues/Wed)
- Costco Business Center
- 99 Ranch
- Seafood City
- Harvest Meat (pick up only)
Now what? You have 10lbs of food. You can store these in your freezer until you’re ready to begin your transition. I recommend preparing your next set of meals 3 days before you run out of food. This will ensure a smoother transition. Use the to prepare your shopping list. Track your dog’s poop and adjust. Don’t make any substantial changes until you see solid poop. Use slippery elm/marshmallow root as needed. You may decide to switch to a premade raw before you continue to DIY - do what works best for you and your dog!
Tips For Transitioning
🍪 Begin by Feeding Raw as a Treat
You start by adding a small amount of raw food as a treat or adding it to your kibble and gradually increasing. Switch to 75% kibble the first day, 50% the second, and so on. If their stools are still looking healthy after day 5, try replacing one of their meals with an all-raw bowl while continuing to monitor their stools. If on day 7, your stools are still looking good, you can start to transition to raw completely.
🐶 My Dog Won’t Touch It
Lightly cooking the food is great option. This is often recommended if you have a senior dog, a dog who is picky, or one that you know has a compromised immune system. You start with fresh, fully cooked food on day 1 and gradually decrease how cooked the food in each day. If you have a meat grinder, serving the food ground is another option. See how they like the food in meatball form.
🙍 Free Nutrition Consultation
You can find a TON of resources on our nutrition education page: plus your Real Dog Wellness Membership comes with free monthly nutrition consults to answer specifics about transitioning your dogs, including supplement recommendations.
Text us anytime: 858-348-5954
- Other helpful tips and tricks:
- Handle your dog’s meals like you would raw meat for yourself
- Wash hands with warm, soapy water.
- Refrigerate any leftovers within two hours and discard after 2 days.
- Start with a food/meat that your dog has had before.
- Try adding their favorite treat on top of their food, then mix it in.
- Organ meats can be fed dry then transition to raw.
- Don’t give up too quickly! Dogs will never starve themselves, Offer the food for 10 minutes and take away if they don’t touch it. Do not offer any other food or treats until their next meal time. Adult dogs can fast for 24 hours.
- Expect a bit of mucus on their stool. This is normal lubrication from the intestines while adjusting to a new food.
If you're unsure, text us a to schedule a nutrition consultation, free with your Real Dog Wellness Membership.